Healing Quickly from Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

Today is my two week surgery-versary so I thought an update would be in order. Notice the lack of ‘How to’ in the title, but you may glean a few […]
Today is my two week surgery-versary so I thought an update would be in order. Notice the lack of ‘How to’ in the title, but you may glean a few […]
It only took 48 hours to stop taking oxycodone for pain after my surgery. I had my last one yesterday morning and got through the rest of the day with […]
After a year of dealing with uterine fibroids, I evicted my uterus. First major surgery and first overnight in the hospital as a patient.
Despite our best efforts at something less drastic, these fibroids are still trying to bleed me to death. So the eviction notice has been served. Surgery is at today 7:30am […]
Astute readers may have noticed that the 30 day blog challenge kind of petered out at day 23. The whole surprise surgery with a Wordcamp presentation on top kinda derailed […]