
cialis Is there a distinction between physical and sexual attraction? Discuss.


  1. I have never thought of the two as separate. If I wanted to split hairs, I could say physical attraction involves wanting to be physically close to someone without wanting to have sex with them, but I call that affection, not attraction.


    1. Interesting point. I may be splitting hairs. I don’t think our culture has a lot of language or support for physical affection that isn’t or doesn’t lead to, sex. So I thought I’d throw the idea out there. On another note, I also realized this week how much I miss long conversations with friends about things that aren’t tech or house related…


  2. Oh I’ve definitely been attracted to people in ways that aren’t sexual. I’d explain further, but it’s just what it sounds like, really.


  3. i think the distinction is one that exists for some people, though not everyone. for example, there are people who are kinky, and so maybe the hottest sex for them doesn’t even involve touching. so in a situation like that, there perhaps isn’t necessarily (always) a correlation between physical acts and sexual acts.


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