Lesbians Who Tech Was Amazing


Overwhelmed. But in a good way. That is how I could characterize my state right now.

The last event from the first ever Lesbians Who Tech Summit wrapped up a few hours ago and it did not disappoint.

When I first heard about the summit, my first reaction was to decide that I HAD to go, and within a few hours of viewing the website, I had put up my first ever Indiegogo campaign to fund the trip. A few hours after that, my trip was fully funded.

In the back of my mind though, was a tiny voice saying maybe I shouldn’t set my expectations too high. After all, I used to go to the HappyOurs events for queer women of color in Portland, only to find out that, except for the obvious commonalities, I really didn’t connect or feel like I fit in with the women I met there.

What if the same thing happend with the tech lesbos?

Well, I need not have worried. I met so many awesome women (and a few men) this weekend. My heart is full and my brain is overflowing.

I went into this weekend on the heels of an emotionally draining week, feeling like I was barely able to tolerate the presence of other humans. Now I’m in post-conference depression from having to say goodbye (for now) to all the great people I met.

Among the highlights of the weekend were:

  • Speaking on stage at the Castro theater in front of 800 rowdy lesbians.
  • Having dinner and conversation for hours with four amazing Black lesbian sisters.
  • Cycling over the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time
  • Attending my first hackathon.
  • Randomly getting to have dinner with a Twitter friend I had never met in person
  • Hanging out with new friends in a cool Mission neighborhood apartment.
  • Hanging out at Double Union, the new feminist hacker space in San Francisco.
  • Home away from home cats at my AirBnB

I’ll have more to say once I’ve had some sleep. For now here are a few photos.







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