Help Me Raise Money for American Lung Association for my 40th Birthday
I’m turning 40 in 16 days. If I were turning 40 in 1 year and 16 days, I’d probably have a proper celebration with lots of pomp and circumstance and […]
I’m turning 40 in 16 days. If I were turning 40 in 1 year and 16 days, I’d probably have a proper celebration with lots of pomp and circumstance and […]
I was almost a teenager before I knew there was such a thing as people who don’t like to read. My grandmother’s house is filled with books. My mom’s house […]
Five years ago I decided to make a 180 degree career turn and become a web devloper. At the time I was pretty good at using computers, but I had no programming experience aside from a few vague memories of typing in DOS statements in middle school. I still remember asking the web devloper in our office what CSS was and nodding along as if I understood the answer.
Five years ago tonight, I rolled into Jess’s arms at Oaks Park roller rink on Gay Skate night. For the remainder of the evening, we rolled around the rink getting […]
Cross Crusade Race #2 Rainier High School from Burk Webb on Vimeo.