
Hey there! You might have noticed that things are a bit different around here. I’m changing up a lot of things in 2013 and around here that means taking the site down to the studs and refocusing on my core mission to get back to writing regularly.

Tutorial videos are one of the first things I look for when I’m trying to learn something new. In the past year I discovered I also like making tutorials about […]

Me and Jess taking a break while riding the Couer D'alene trail in Idaho

A long distance friend saw something I posted referring to Jess as my wife or maybe I said something about being married. She messaged me, asking if we’d had a […]

A journal from my mom for my birthday

So yeah, this old thing. It’s still here, waiting patiently for me to put words into it. I’ve spent the past few years making empty promises to it in my […]

I came across this great article in Huffington Post about a black woman who loves code and fashion. My one nitpick is this sentence: Being a young girl naturally you […]